APTA Pediatrics Education Hub

APTA Pediatrics Residency & Fellowship Consortium 2024-2025

  • Register
    • Non-member - $245
    • Member - $185
    • PT Member - $185
    • PTA Member - $185
    • Student - $185
    • Life Member - $185
    • Partner Member - $185

Residency and Fellowship Consortium

2024-2025 Overview

The APTA Pediatrics Residency and Fellowship Consortium is an 11-month program designed to advance the pediatric resident’s knowledge and application of examination and treatment of pediatric patients in a variety of areas. The Consortium will offer 24 modules (1-3 per month) over the 2024-2025 academic year. Modules include asynchronous and synchronous content, a resident assignment, and a knowledge translation reflection activity. Asynchronous content, resources, and a resident assignment will be made available prior to the synchronous session once. Following the synchronous session, residents will be asked to complete a knowledge translation reflection and a course evaluation. More specific information about each component of the modules is provided below. Materials will be posted and will remain accessible to participants from August 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025.

Who Can Participate?: Registrants must be a current resident or faculty member of a pediatric residency or fellowship program.

Cost of Registration: The fees described below include access to the asynchronous and synchronous content of all 24 modules.

  • $185 per person for residents in pediatric residency programs who ARE APTA Pediatrics members.
  • $245 per person for residents in pediatric residency programs who ARE NOT APTA Pediatrics members.

Registration Window: Registration will be open July 2024 and will remain open for the entire academic year.  

Confidentiality Agreement:  All registered participants are required to sign a confidentiality agreement, which protects the intellectual property of the instructors. Participants agree to not distribute course material.

Module Components

Asynchronous Content: All modules will include a narrated video presentation and a handout of the slides presented. Participants should view the narrated lecture and review the handout prior to the synchronous session.

Resident Assignment & Resources: All modules will include a case-based written assignment as well as required readings (journal articles). Some modules may also provide additional recommended readings or other resources. Participants should complete the resident assignments and read any required articles prior to the synchronous session.

Synchronous Session: All modules will include an on-line synchronous Zoom meeting. Synchronous sessions are 2 hours long and are typically held on Sunday afternoon/evenings. The course instructor(s) will discuss important points about the asynchronous content, answer any questions the participants have, and facilitate discussion about the case-based assignment. Breakout rooms may be used for small group discussion, and groups will be invited to share when all participants are brought back together as a large group. Participants are expected to have their cameras on and to be active participants in the discussion. The synchronous sessions will be recorded and posted for any registered participant to view. It is important to note however, that individual break out room discussions cannot be recorded. Therefore, residents/faculty who do not attend the live synchronous session will not have the opportunity to participate in or hear discussions that occurred in the breakout rooms, or to ask questions. The consortium work group encourages participants to attend the synchronous sessions in real-time to take full advantage of the learning opportunities offered there.

Knowledge Translation Reflection: All modules will include a knowledge translation (KT) reflection worksheet. Participants should complete the KT reflection after the synchronous session. Residents are encouraged to share it with their program directors or mentors and to develop a plan for further learning and opportunities for application to clinical practice.

Module Evaluations: Each participant will be asked to complete a course evaluation for each module. The feedback provided will help the consortium work group better understand the needs of the participants and will guide changes in the content for subsequent years.

Attendance: The consortium work group and the course instructors will not be taking attendance during the synchronous meetings. Additionally, resident assignments will not be collected or graded. It is up to individual program directors to monitor their residents’ participation in each aspect of the modules.

Exam Questions: Instructors for each module have developed exam questions pertinent to the content they have provided. The exam questions will be sent to residency program directors who have residents registered in the consortium. Directors may choose whether or not to utilize the questions in their written examinations.


Dates listed above are for the online synchronous meetings


*All synchronous sessions will be held 5-7pm EST unless otherwise noted

Questions about the Consortium may be directed to Elena Bradley. bradleye@kennedykrieger.org

